Design and implementation of concrete mold with sliding mold

The project of wheat silo constructing for sharif-Galikesh company

Fanavaran Saze Gahar Co.

The project of wheat silo constructing for sharif-Galikesh company

Address : Near the crossroad Mashhad, adjacent to the grain silos, galikesh, golestan

Tel :

01735833916 - 01735833863

01735833916 - 01735833863


1- Silo design

2- Excavation
3- Lower gallery
4- Foundation
5- Run aeration pipes
6- Implementation of the silo body
7- The combination of ceiling steel and concrete
8- Kate implementation of evacuation
9- Run the upper corridor
10- Run tower metal work
11- Run the floor comb egg. and sub gallery

Start piles

Concrete piles




Late concrete walls of galleries and sub


Reinforcement strip mines




Project Information

Silo Capacity 10000 ton
Structure Type concrete
Height 12 متر
Execution time 3 ماه
Status پروژه های انجام شده / ذخیره گندم
Silo Interior Dimensions 3*m3
Parapet Thickness 35 cm
Silo Height 12 متر
Height Dimensions

Design and implementation of concrete mold with sliding mold